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Sound waves expanding your ear’s hammer bone. To check out more about this illustration click here!
At our late night reunions between a discussion of the “philosophy of things” with great laughs came the idea to illustrate sound itself. With clear thoughts, the other day was dedicated to putting on our “operation gloves” to dissect the sound and its ideas. So we “heard” it, stretched it trying to discover a way to put this sound in a paper. We started from the biological elements that are responsible for the sound. The ear was an obvious choice but not enough. Going further and deeper we reached the malleus, the incus and the stapes (or like everybody else known as hammer, anvil and stirrup), the smallest and most responsible bones in our hearing process. Decided with the shape of the hammer and its natural beauty the illustration began to walk towards a definition. Later we went even further studying the physics of sound, passing through Newton’s Formula, the Laplace’s Correction, several visual representations of the sound behavior like dispersion and propagation. Through this process we learned so much about the physics of the sound that goes beyond our quotidian use. As a result, we put our best interpretations of the theme using shapes that resemble the hammer ear bone (it’s all about the sound and its elements!) with the idea that the hammer is replicating like a sound propagation through a delimited space.hammer’s storytelling
This t-shirt is made of 100% cotton and screen printed with water based inks.